Port of Felixstowe opens new deepwater terminal

The Port of Felixstowe, the UK's largest container port, opened a new deep water shipping terminal today.

The new terminal consists of two berths – Berths 8 & 9 – and is the first stage of a £1 billion plus inward investment programme in Hutchison’s UK ports.

Currently the Port of Felixstowe deals with over 40 per cent of the UK’s container cargo, with around £60 billion of imports and exports passing through the port each year. The expansion could add a further £20 billion to this figure.

Berths 8 & 9 are the only ones in the UK capable of handling the largest container ships currently on order and the new facility will be equipped with seven of the largest container cranes in the world.

Each crane is able to manage ships with containers stowed 24-wide on deck. This capability will allow the world’s largest and most efficient ships to import goods directly to the UK. Added to this, the new state of the art technology being introduced as part of the expansion, will combine greater levels of customer service with reduced carbon emissions.

The new berths will enhance significantly the UK’s supply chain infrastructure. At present large container ships coming from East Asia to Europe only make three or four stops at ports across Europe and with the construction of Berths 8 & 9, Felixstowe will be one of the ports on the ships’ calling cards.

David Gledhill, Chief Executive Officer of HPUK commented: “As an island nation, a huge proportion of the goods on the high street are imported in containers and more come through the Port of Felixstowe than anywhere else.

“As container ships get larger it is crucial ports like Felixstowe stays ahead of the game and ensure the UK is ready for the introduction of the next generation of container ships. Failure to provide facilities for the new container ships would mean the world’s most efficient ships could not dock in the UK, driving up the cost of imports and making UK exports less competitive.

As part of the project the port will construct a third rail terminal in 2012. With capacity for 30-wagon long trains, it will be the longest terminal of its type in the UK, doubling the rail terminal capacity at the port.

Clemence Cheng, Managing Director, Central Europe of Hutchison Port Holdings (‘HPH’), said: “The Port of Felixstowe was HPH’s first investment outside Hong Kong, and this exciting new development underscores our ongoing commitment to ensuring that it has the facilities to retain its position amongst the world’s leading ports. Our latest investment will help ensure that the UK remains a direct-call destination for the latest generation of ultra-large container ships.”